Group Fitness
Seniors in groups can be a powerful assembly, one that can inspire the individual to perform up to his/her potential. A group can motivate, encourage and challenge. A group can be greater than the sum of its individuals.
And that is the concept of Fitness Senior Style classes. Our classes get everyone involved and make exercising enjoyable and educational. In a senior group there are always general concerns about physical decline, diminished reaction time and normal lapses in memory. We confront those issues with balance, strength and speed training. Exercises can be performed sitting or standing, grouped around tables or chair rows, or in semi-circles or closed circles.
Seniors exercise shoulders, chest, back, arms and legs. They learn to breath properly, understand how their muscles function and propel their activities of daily life. They leave the class with an understanding of how to continue their strength and balance development on their own. They leave the class better than they entered.
Our classes entertain through low stress and high energy. We make use of proprietary exercise balls; free muscle, arm and leg movements; and a unique range of exercise motifs and skill sets. The group practices proper breathing techniques while learning form and discipline.
Balance issues amongst seniors are many and varied. A lack of balance and equilibrium, if not attributable to drug side effects or inner ear problems, is a problem of strength, coordination and confidence. This class concentrates on strength, balance and cognitive fitness exercises utilizing speed, coordination, posing and power moves to stimulate greater neural transmissions and muscular force. Through the use of bands, balls, movement and posing, participants will attain a greater sense of balance in activities of daily living.
This class is devoted to building strength in upper body, legs and core muscle groups. Concentration is afforded to chest, back, shoulders and abdominals and all associated muscles. Utilization of bands, balls and light weights make the exercises comfortable, yet effective. Participants will improve their activities of daily living, their posture, their walking, ascending/descending stairs and sitting/rising from a chair. They will understand the importance of various muscle groups and be able to duplicate many exercises in their homes.